3 Deadly Website Mistakes

Jacob Brain


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Making mistakes in your website design project can cost you time and money. Yet, if you are creating new engineering firm websites, don’t let these mistakes ruin your project or you might lose both.

Website Mistake One: Poor Images

No matter how great the case study might be, if your images are poorly done you’re better off skipping images altogether in engineering firm websites. Poor images reflect poor work, and you’ve invested too much time to not put your best foot forward. Use high-quality renderings or photos from the final product to give your customer a good view of your work. Hire a photography professional to take the photos, and make that a standing part of every project you complete. This will pay huge dividends for years to come.

Website Mistake Two: No SEO strategy

In many cases, engineering firm websites do a great job of displaying the work, but totally forget about the whole purpose of engineering firm websites, which is to be found online. Skipping the SEO strategy for your website is missing a huge ROI for your entire marketing effort.

Every site should start with an overview of how the SEO process will take place. What kind of approach you will take on search traffic? How much are you getting now? How much is available for you to try to capture? What keywords are most relevant to your customers? Take time to do this and give it as much importance as anything else on the site.

Website Mistake Three: Poor Lead Generation

Contact us is a great button for the navigation, but it’s a very deep engagement for a potential customer to commit to. Rather than focusing your entire site on one call-to-action, use a varied approach to your lead generation strategy and setup varying levels of calls-to-action. This can range from a newsletter signup, to a content offer, to a free consultation. Packaging your calls-to-action will help the user see what options they have and bring some context to the “contact us” button, which is intimidating at best.

Each of these tactics can help you build a great engineering firm website. If you need help building engineering firm websites, please contact us at New North to help you plan and build your website right the first time. Get more traffic, better presence, and more leads from your site than ever before.

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