5 Tips for Video Marketing in Frederick in 2017

Jacob Brain


video marketing in frederick
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Video marketing continues to be a rising trend as more and more businesses look to market themselves in new ways. The numbers continue to justify the actions.

According to a survey taken last year, 76 percent of businesses say that the use of video marketing has provided them with a good ROI. Potential clients seem to connect more with a business when there’s a video on your website, preferably on your front page.

Why? When you’re optimizing your company’s website so it ranks highly on search engines, videos tend to help push your ranking up a few notches. In fact, your website is 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your page.

With this in mind, here are five tips to help you when it comes to video marketing.

Let Them See Who You Are

The thought of standing in front of a camera and talking about your company might scare you enough to change your mind about video marketing altogether. It’s one thing to talk with people face to face, it’s something else entirely to feel like you’re having to “perform” in front of a camera.

This is perfectly normal. A little bit of stage fright is common for people who aren’t used to being in front of a camera. That’s why it’s a great idea to record a few videos first. This gives you the opportunity to get a little more comfortable in front of the camera and allows for you to look over your work and see if you need to make improvements.

It’s important to be personable! No one wants to watch a video of someone who’s as interesting as dry toast. Add a little personality to your videos. You don’t want to go overboard, but you want to – at the very least – be interesting. Again, this is something you can work on in the beginning and tweak as you continue to do more videos.

What Are You Doing?

Of course, you already know what it is you’re doing, but does that come across in the video you’re putting together? What are you selling? What is the purpose of this video?

That last question is probably the most important. If you don’t have anything to say, you don’t need to create a video. Of course, the entire purpose of video marketing is that you DO have something to say, so remember that when you’re recording. If you don’t have a clear purpose for that specific video going in, viewers will be able to tell.

Before stepping in front of the camera, it’s a good idea to come up with a script of what you want to say, how you want to say it, and why you need to say it. The focus is video marketing, so you want to talk candidly with potential clients about what you do, and how you can help them.

What’s the Story?

There are times when you should record short, 10- to 30-second clips. Then there are times you should put together videos that are a bit longer.

Regardless of the size, you need to know your story. Each video needs to be unique, showcasing different ways you can help a potential client. You know what they’re going through, you understand their problem, and you can help them achieve their goal.

Your story is your company – it’s that simple. Everything your company does is part of that story. Your goal in video marketing is communicating that story to potential clients. Again, you know your potential client’s problem and you know how to fix it. Convey that in your story.

Be Sure to Give Them Something

Part of your video marketing message is letting potential clients know you have the resources to help them, but the best way to demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about is to show that you do.

Think of each video as a video blog post, where you talk about their problems. Before wrapping the video up with your call to action, add some value to the video. You are the expert in your field, and this is your platform to showcase it.

Viewers are watching your video looking for answers, and if you have an answer for them – showing that your company is, indeed, the best in the business – you’re more likely to have a higher conversion rate.

You Have Videos – Now What?

Congratulations! After numerous attempts, false starts, editing, reshooting, etc., you have videos that are not only impressive, but give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. It’s tough doing video marketing, isn’t it?

OK, you have these videos, what do you plan to do with them? You plan on adding them to your website, sure. That should be high on your list of things to do with them. It’s also good to add a video on your home page, as it helps with search engine rankings and keeps viewers on your home page longer.

What else do you plan to do with them? Did you know that, after Google, YouTube is the largest search engine? The video sharing site processes more than three billions searches a month. That’s more than Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and AOL … combined.

If your company doesn’t have a channel created on YouTube, it’s good to go ahead and create one. Once you do that, you can post all of these videos in your channel. Be sure to give each video a precise title as to what it is so people can find it if they search for it.

Also, don’t forget about your social media channels. Post your videos – or links from YouTube or your website – to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Or You Can Talk with the Video Marketing Experts

As mentioned earlier, video marketing is no easy feat. A lot of hard work goes into a great video marketing campaign. Does your company have the resources and expertise to do it well?

If you’re not sure where to start, let us know. At New North, we’ve helped companies just like yours grow into successful marketing. Using our proven system, the Marketing Growth GuidepostsTM, we’ve helped companies implement video marketing in Frederick and beyond, aligning messages and platforms with their next stages of growth.

Take a look at a few of our successful video marketing campaigns to find out more! And contact us today for a free, no-hassle consultation to see just how we can help your company get on the right path for video marketing.

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