The Only Print Media We Recommend For B2B

Jacob Brain


Table of contents

There are a few pieces of old printed media that we recommend every business take on. But for the most part, you can put your costs towards digital for greater return.

Business Cards & Stationary

Yes, the business card is still needed in the B2B world, and as LinkedIn and other sites try to do it under, it will still be a great way of sharing information quickly with a new contact. We also think that every business needs professional letterhead, etc., as they build out a brand. The lost art of the personal note is something for another post, but should be part of the overall program.

Positioning Piece

The only good piece of print marketing for a B2B business would be a positioning piece. This is a multi-page document that highlights the details of what you do, how you do it, and why you are the only ones that can do it well. It’s a positioning piece that does not have pricing, or other timely information, it just aids in the overview of the company and serves as a high-level leave behind from a meeting or interaction. Make this piece beautiful, if you can.

That’s It.

You might need to create other documents that would be “print-friendly,” but you don’t need to go about the details of having them printed in high quality. Documents such as spec sheets, or product sheets, fall into this category for some manufacturing companies. Customers might print them on their own, but it’s not a cost you have to take on and have a bunch lying around.

In this day and age, there is still something nice about a printed piece, yet your focus needs to be on the return and value of those high-cost materials. Inbound marketing offers a much more cost-effective way to reach audiences than traditional print media. Try our free 30-minute consultation to find out more.

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