Should I Have A Blog?

Jacob Brain


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Are you wondering, “Should I have a blog?” You’ve come to the right place. In this article we’ll talk about the pros and cons, as well as the quick start guide to having a blog.

Why You Should Blog

You should start a blog if, and only if, you have something of value to say. The common misconception in business blogging is that you can talk about anything. This is not only wrong, it’s dangerous. Blogging in this context isn’t a traditional weblog, it’s a content strategy to have conversations with your customers and prospects. The focus of your blog is adding value to your prospects and customers around your expertise. If you’ve been doing what you do for a few years, you’ve amassed an expertise that allows you to speak. This is why you should blog, to bring that value to your customer.

Why You Shouldn’t Blog

The world doesn’t need another office dog bio, or Christmas party photo gallery. These things have their place, but they are not your company blog. Again, our content strategy for a blog should be focused around the ideas and thoughts that make your company unique in the marketplace. You also shouldn’t blog if you can’t keep a consistency to your writing. Doing a blog once a month is not really going to set yourself or your company up for success in a marketplace driven by ideas.

How to Blog For Business

Doing a business blog has some very logical and simple steps to success. Every business should blog, that is a fact. The only thing that should change is the ‘what’ of the blog. To get you started on your blogging efforts, we’ve got a simply 5-step process to getting your first month’s posts out the door.

  1. Sit down and create an editorial calendar. Simply put, figure out what you are going to write before you write it. Determine how many articles you are going write, who will write them, and what your focus will be. Your focus might be to get SEO ranking, or it might be to demonstrate your expertise. The depth of your content strategy will determine most of this calendar.
  2. Write. The hardest part is putting thoughts to paper, or in this case to keyboard. Getting into a solid habit of creating content is 90 percent of the battle with content creation. Some people like to write in Word, some like to do it right in the blog. Either way, get a cadence down to your writing.
  3. Edit. No one who writes should edit their own work. Having an marketing agency, or a trusted colleague, help review your work will be a major improvement to your work. They will help add value to your writing including SEO value, linking strategies, and content suggestions to take it to the next level.
  4. Post. Once the content is complete, you’ll post it to your blog. As simple as that sounds, there are some things to consider. When you post, you should be thinking about your content design. How you use titles, bullets, and the formatting of your blog will have a great impact on your content and statistics. All posts should have photos, event a few. Pull quotes and videos can be great. Make sure when you post, you do your content a favor and make it fun and engaging to read.
  5. Analyze. Once you write, the next step is to get detailed about the overall success of your post. Did you send it out via email? How was it received? Have you gotten lots of traffic from search engines? Having a measure of success will help gauge your efforts and what goal you are trying to achieve with your writing.

Start Today!

The world is starting to be filled with content, most of it is not valuable or engaging. You have the ability to engage your clients and bring value to them. Companies that engage and build value are more likely to get the job, and build the relationship. Start blogging today. Follow the plan and take a step on your marketing journey.

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