How Should Executive Search Firms Use Facebook?

Jacob Brain


executive search firms use facebook
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Executive search firms want to hire passionate candidates and, therefore, must look to where these candidates spend most of their time to effectively recruit top talent. So, should executive search firms use Facebook?

The modern recruiter not only taps into the 467 million users on LinkedIn and 319 million active users on Twitter, but the more than one billion on Facebook as well. In fact, 83 percent of LinkedIn members also use Facebook, and 84 percent of social media users only use Facebook, according to Work4. Companies that leverage talent networks and extend their recruiting efforts to social media are going to find better talent faster.

Facebook can be just as fruitful as LinkedIn for recruiting; it’s just about employing the right strategies. Yet only 65 percent of recruiters use Facebook for that use case, according to Work4. Here are some insightful ways to use Facebook to recruit employees.

Build a Community with a Facebook Group

LinkedIn groups are known as a place to find job postings, and that same concept can be applied to Facebook. Employment-focused Facebook groups are a haven for recruiters to post job openings and provide valuable information about an industry and for job seekers to find a job. The key is to create a community for a specific industry, location, position, or a combination of both — for example, Electrical Engineers in Silicon Valley.

But these groups shouldn’t just be a post-and-hope job board site — they should be a community. When new members join, current members should make introductions to appropriate hiring managers and career resources.

Target Different Job-Seeking Groups

Just as job seekers can search for a job posting based on whether they’re a recent graduate or what department they’d like to work in, companies should bring this same strategy that they apply to their careers page to their Facebook page. For example, some firms might focus their target to different groups, such as “Experienced,” “Students,” or “Military.”

Post the Right Content for Social Engagement

To get the attention of potential candidates, recruiters must engage them by providing valuable content on Facebook. While job postings are informational and cover the legal bases, they don’t grab the attention of someone who’s scrolling through a news feed.

Firms should provide online presentations or webinars about job culture to illustrate what it’s like to work for the specific company. Providing a glimpse into employee life is valuable for potential employees as well, such as featuring Q&As with employees about their backgrounds and roles at the specific company. All of these things will attract the attention of the prospective hire you’re trying to reach.

Supplement Traditional Recruiting with Social

Many recruiters see social media as a replacement to the traditional résumé, but in actuality it’s more of a supplement than a replacement. Social media can give insight into how a candidate is connected to current employees, but it cannot show you someone’s interpersonal skills, ability to lead a project, or knack for working as a team. Soft skills cannot be truly evaluated on Facebook or LinkedIn pages. Thus, in-person interviews still hold a vital role in the recruitment process.

How Should Executive Search Firms Use Facebook? Look for the Right Guide

Even though using Facebook is a viable tool for your executive search firm, it can be hectic having to manage the ins and outs of the daily Facebook ritual. New North is here to help you.

At New North, we know that you’ve got a lot on your hands managing your social media marketing, let alone applying a deeper strategy for engagement. Even if you have a dedicated member on your team handling social media, knowing what to post and creating a successful campaign might still be a faraway concept. You need a bigger picture of how social media can be meaningful to your business and growth.

Reach out to us for a free, no hassle consultation to find out more about how successful executive search firms use Facebook.

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