Flatten the User Experience for Better Conversion
Looking for more conversion in your web app or mobile app? Process flattening can help your iron out your application to help you keep the users to don’t know what they are missing.
Looking for more conversion in your web app or mobile app? Process flattening can help your iron out your application to help you keep the users to don’t know what they are missing.
Subscriptions are not the silver bullet of pricing models. Many times, the useful life of a product or service is overlooked, creating a big gap in understanding the real motivation and value available for your customer.
Keeping subscribers engaged for your online application is a challenging task. In this post, we look at three strategies that can help you maximize your subscriber retention to build better profits
In this post we look at three tips to help SAS (software as service) products who use a subscription-baesd revenue model avoid the pitfalls of traditional marketing.